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UHL Publication Scheme


Documents:(2024) - Thursday 9 May 2024

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A - TB public mins 11.4.24.pdfA - TB public mins 11.4.24
agenda public TB 09.05.24 - accessible version with TAGGING.pdfagenda public TB 09.05.24 - accessible version with TAGGING
B - TB actions 11.04.24.pdfB - TB actions 11.04.24
C - staff story.pdfC - staff story
D - CEO report.pdfD - CEO report
E - Integrated Performance Report and Executive Summary.pdfE - Integrated Performance Report and Executive Summary
F - Perinatal Scorecard.pdfF - Perinatal Scorecard
G1 - OPC escalation report.pdfG1 - OPC escalation report
G2 - QC escalation report 25.4.24.pdfG2 - QC escalation report 25.4.24
G3 - FIC escalation report.pdfG3 - FIC escalation report
G4 - OFHTC escalation report.pdfG4 - OFHTC escalation report
H - Health Equality and Inclusion.pdfH - Health Equality and Inclusion
I - agency compliance, usage and reduction.pdfI - agency compliance, usage and reduction
J - UHL UHN Partnership Board.pdfJ - UHL UHN Partnership Board
K1 - OPC annual report 2023-24.pdfK1 - OPC annual report 2023-24
K2 - QC Annual Report 2023-24.pdfK2 - QC Annual Report 2023-24
K3 - FIC annual report 2023-24.pdfK3 - FIC annual report 2023-24
K4 - OFHTC annual report 2023-24.pdfK4 - OFHTC annual report 2023-24
K5 - AC annual report 2023-24.pdfK5 - AC annual report 2023-24
L - Audit Committee escalation report.pdfL - Audit Committee escalation report
M - CFC escalation report.pdfM - CFC escalation report
website only - AC public mins 18.3.24.pdfwebsite only - AC public mins 18.3.24
website only - CFC public mins 16.2.24.pdfwebsite only - CFC public mins 16.2.24
website only - FIC 22.03.24 public mins.pdfwebsite only - FIC 22.03.24 public mins
website only - OFHT 21.03.24 Public.pdfwebsite only - OFHT 21.03.24 Public
website only - OPC 27.3.24.pdfwebsite only - OPC 27.3.24
website only - PCC 28.3.24 public.pdfwebsite only - PCC 28.3.24 public
website only - QC Minutes 28.3.24 public.pdfwebsite only - QC Minutes 28.3.24 public

 Reports by Regulatory Authorities